Starting School
School Day
Useful Info

PE Premium

Every year we are allocated funding from the government that we are directed to spend on sport and our PE provision. Every school receives this funding and all have the same objective, how we spend it on sport is up to us, however, it must be spent on sport.
Here at South Stanley Infant & Nursery School we fully appreciate how important PE is to the wellbeing and health of our children. We endeavour to ensure that irrespective of age or ability, all of our children have access to a wide variety of sporting activities.
Planned Sports Premium Spend for 2024/25
Sports Premium - Proposed Spending 2024-2025
Previous Evaluated Sports Premium Funding
Sports Premium Allocations 2021-2022
Sports Premium Allocations 2022-2023
Sports Premium Evaluated 2023-2024
As we do not have a KS2 provision, this document does not detail the percentage of Y6 pupils that currently meet national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.