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Governing Body


The Governors of South Stanley Infant & Nursery School are integral to our success and that of our children. We value their contribution and the time and commitment they give to school. Our Governors work closely with our Head teacher, school staff and representatives from both the local authority and Stanley Learning Partnership.

Aims, Ethos and Vision

of our Governing Body


Our Governors share the distinct aims, ethos and vision of South Stanley Infant and Nursery School.They believe that our children deserve the best education possible and can achieve without limit. Click here to view our schools full Aims, Ethos and Vision Statement.
Aims, Ethos and Vision Statement


The Local Governing Body is part of the leadership and management of the school being made up of staff, parents and people from the wider community. We work closely with the Headteacher acting as a critical friend and providing challenge where appropriate.


As South Stanley Infant and Nursery School is part of a Multi-academy Trust (Stanley Learning Partnership) we have a local governing body in place to focus on issues directly relating to our school. By monitoring key performance indicators and driving forward attainment and progress we hope to ensure the best possible outcomes for all the children that pass through our school.


Most importantly we aim to work hard at getting to know our school and hope that everyone in school can get to know us.


Governors work closely with Headteachers, school staff and representatives from the local authority. Governors are responsible for:

  • raising standards of academic achievement.

  • recruitment of staff.

  • representing the views of the local community

  • holding the school to account in relation to Pupil Premium/Sports Premium expenditure and impact.

  • promoting the values and ethos of the school.

  • ensuring SSIN live by our Governance Statement. Please click here to view our full Governance Statement: SSIN Governance Statement


Governors ask questions, gather information and help make decisions about the school. Our school’s Governing Body meets in school once every term.  Under South Stanley’s current Governance structure all financial decision for the school are made at Trustee level.


Sub-committees meet as and when required. Current committee membership/working parties and terms of reference are detailed below, however, for more information please contact ,


It should be noted that the Governors of SSIN do not have a Virement & Expenditure Limit as their role is voluntary.


Governing Body Committee Structure

Meet our Governing Body


Our Governing Body has recently undergone a restructure to ensure that the needs of our children are best met. The table below details current Governors. We currently have no associated members of the Governing Body.


Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Sarah Golightly.  Mrs Golightly can be contacted here at school by calling our Main Office on (01207) 232445 or any correspondence should be addressed to,

Mrs Sarah Golightly,  c/o South Stanley Infant and Nursery School, Tyne Rd, South Stanley, Stanley, Co. Durham DH9 6PZ


Our Link Trustee is Mr Eric Dodd. Mr Dodd can be contacted at SLP Langley Park Primary School, Langley Park, Co Durham. DH7 9XN. Telephone: 01207 266700.


Clerking services are provided by SLP Langley Park Primary School, Langley Park, Co Durham. DH7 9XN. Telephone: 01207 266700.


An Instrument of Government records the constitution of the governing body and the term of office for each category of governor.  To view our Instrument of Government please click here: Instrument of Governance


How To Become A School Governor

If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section.


Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

South Stanley Infant and Nursery School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools.


Here at South Stanley Infant and Nursery School we have very high expectations of our Governors and as such, they are required to adhere to our Code of Conduct. This document sets out the purpose of the governing body and describes the appropriate relationship between individual governors/trustees/academy committee members, the whole governing board and the executive leaders. To view our Governor Code of Conduct please click here: Governor Code of Conduct Policy



Committee Terms of Reference

The Governing Body of South Stanley Infant and Nursery School has recently undergone a restructure. Under the new Governance structure of the Multi-Academy Trust, our local governing body only has one committee that being the Pay Review Committee. ToR are

  • To make any decisions relating to pay progression for teaching staff below the leadership scale (unless delegated to the Headteacher)

  • To act in accordance with SLP’s Teachers Pay Policy as adopted by the Trustee Board to include matters relating to:

    • Teaching and learning responsibility payments, SEND allowances and recruitment and retention payments.

  • To report to the Finance, Resources & Appointments Committee on pay review related expenditure.


Chair of the Pay Review Committee is Mrs Hazel Moore

Meetings: Annually (Autumn term) plus as and when necessary

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