Starting School
School Day
Useful Info

School Uniform
All South Stanley Infant & Nursery School pupils are required to wear a school uniform at all times. A working party consisting of staff and parents from our school and South Stanley Junior School, reviewed our uniform policy. Unbranded jumpers, cardigans and polo tops are very much welcomed in school and are avaliable at local shops, however should you prefer, branded uniform is still available to order (see information further on this page)
Our uniform comprises of:
Blue or white shirt/blouse/polo shirt
Plain black or grey trousers (no stripes or logos. Jeans, jogging bottoms or leggings are not permitted)
Plain black or grey skirt or blue gingham dress
Royal blue or navy sweatshirt/cardigan
Any sensible flat, sturdy shoes or trainers which are completely black (no logos)
Leggings and jogging bottoms are not permitted except for Nursery children. Earrings and jewellery are not permitted in school. Please speak to us should you have any queries.
Pupils wearing clothing which is not on the above list will be given an appropriate alternative to wear for the day and changed before home time.
Our school uniform policy is available in our School Policies Section. Please talk to us if you need any support with purchasing uniform.
PE Kits and Bags
Children will be provided with a T-shirt, pair of shorts and a PE bag by school, at no cost to Parents/Carers, which will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed and returned to school after the holiday. Please can you provide your child with a pair of suitable PE shoes such as trainers or plimsolls to be kept at school in their PE bag.

Homework Bags
Children will be provided with homework and book bags free of charge. Please ensure that these are bought into school on the correct days. Please see you child’s class page and/or your child’s homework book and reading book for more information.
Jewellery such as rings, bracelets, necklaces etc. should not be worn to school and if children’s ears have been pierced only stud type ear-rings should be worn during the healing period after piercing. This is for reasons of health and safety.

How To Order
Should you decide to purchase branded uniform (please remember that this is not necessary) then uniforms can be ordered direct from the manufacture. Click on the link below to take you to their website. (Search for South Stanley or click on the S and search for our logo (we no longer stock uniform at school), but unbranded jumpers/ cardigans are also welcomed and are available locally.