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School Clubs

We offer a wide range of extra curricular activities throughout the school year. Our clubs give children a chance to learn new skills in a safe and fun environment.  All clubs are free of charge.


Autumn 2 clubs overview.png

Fairytales and Superheroes Club

In this exciting club your child will have the opportunity to enjoy a range of activities based around a wide range of different superhero stories and fairy tales. Currently our superhero of choice is Supertato. The children have enjoyed listening to the story, creating their own characters, and pretending to be superheroes during dance and movement sessions. What a fun time we are having. 

Construction Club

Construction club is for children to explore a range of different materials such as large wooden blocks, mobilo, lego , stickle bricks that they may not use in their day to day basis in school or at home. Children are given the opportunity to explore and learn how to construct, build, make things to enhance their learning through play.

Children also learn to share, turn take, have ideas, co operate with friends this also involves problem solving, concentration, understanding, eye contact, hand-eye co ordination and positional language.


Mindfulness Club

Mindfulness is a stress reducing technique that involves developing inner awareness. Encouraging children to become more self aware of their thoughts, actions and feelings. We meet on a Tuesday and have a calm quiet time where we can relax, reflect, and enjoy listening to relaxing music. We learn how to use breathing techniques for when times are a little difficult and share how we can express ourselves using speech and drawings.  The children love to colour mindfulness pictures which give them focus and a time to reflect on the day. The stories that we listen to help us float into our imagination and relax our bodies.



Board Games Club

Board Games Club is all about having fun as well as developing the children’s strategic thinking and of course social skills as they learn to play fairly with their friends. We will be enjoying some of the classics such as Ludo, Snakes & Ladders and learning some good old card games such as UNO and clock patience. The children have loved playing board games, especially when they manage to beat Mrs Mack! We have also been developing our understanding of what it is to be a ‘good winner’ and a ‘good loser’.


The children in STEM club are Scientists, Technicians, Engineers and Mathematicians which is why we are called the STEM club. The children have enormous fun and excitement investigating, experimenting, researching, designing and constructing. We’ve made balloons inflate without using air, we’ve made catapults and held a pom pom launching competition. We found out why it’s so harmful to birds if oil spills into the sea and why soap helps clean the germs off our hands! The children are so enthusiastic about STEM and they often have suggestions of their own for us to explore! The world is full of amazing science and STEM club gives our children the opportunity to find this out for themselves!


Reading Club

At our club we know how books make us feel and how important it is to read for pleasure! We enjoy reading different books by different authors and enjoy getting lost in a great story with interesting characters and exciting settings just as much as we enjoy reading an information book that tells us lots of interesting facts that we didn’t know before!  We are a welcoming, relaxing and friendly group who would love some new members too!



Multi sports

In our multi-sports afterschool club, children take part in a wide variety of activities, including and incorporating FUNdamentals of Agility, Balance and Co-ordination.


Football, Cricket, Multi-skills, Athletics, Boccia are just some of the activities  that our children take part in – there are even more on offer. All activities are delivered to accommodate all children’s abilities and to make sure the fun factor is incorporated at all times.

Arts & Crafts Club

In arts and crafts club we have created lots of things like dream catchers, flowers, bookmarks and have learnt different ways how to colour, we also like to link activities to do with the seasons and what we have been learning in school.  These let the children be as creative as they want without being told what they can`t do.



Choir Club


In choir club, we always start with a vocal warm up. This is usually a short song that we know really well! Then we choose a song to work on – this is usually something chosen by the children, like a Disney song or another group favourite. We have so much fun practising and we like to do performances for our friends, teachers and parents. Choir club is all about having fun with singing!



Reception Book Blether Club

I love books!  Reading books, discovering new authors, talking about books, and at Book Blether Club we get to do all of that!

Every week we spend time enjoying a story chosen by me or by the children, then we get to chat about our book.  We might discuss what we have liked or disliked about our story, about favourite characters or about anything that surprised us in the book.  We might think about whether we would recommend this story, or try to find others by the same author - we just see where our 'blethering' takes us!  It really is the club for anyone who loves books!


Film Club

In film club, we watch films that are based on stories and books that we love to read.  We spend time discussing what we liked/disliked about the film  After watching the film we enjoy doing an activity linked to the film. For example, when we watched Room on the Broom, we designed our own broomstick for the characters.

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